Read on to find out about just some of the work that we do with the children of the area. We aim to support local families to enable all children to have a positive, safe and stimulating experience of growing up in Southend.
Tea Talk Tiny's & Toddlers
We meet every Thursday from 9.30am - 12. We have lots of activities. Everyone welcome from age 0 upwards. including Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents & Childminders. Healthy snack provided each morning and tea/coffee for adults.
Tea Talk Tiny's & Toddlers
We meet every Thursday from 9.30am - 12. We have lots of activities. Everyone welcome from age 0 upwards. including Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents & Childminders. Healthy snack provided each morning and tea/coffee for adults.
School Links

Here at the Centre, we recognise the local school as being at the beating heart of the community and wish to support it and all involved in any way we can.
Over the years, we have have linked with the school on all kinds of projects including the School Garden, oral history visits where classes have come to the Centre to meet with older generations to learn about times past, boat building visits, local walking tours and much more.
Inter-generational projects to foster positive relationships between young and old, such as Traditional Street Games events and Needlework demonstrations have also taken place in the school, thanks to some of the lovely ladies from the Monday Morning group.
We've been told that nowadays, children and older folk recognise each other and stop to say hello in the community, instead of walking on by as before. Now, isn't that just lovely?
The Centre has also provided support for school activities such as the breakfast Club, after-schools and swimming lessons.
Over the years, we have have linked with the school on all kinds of projects including the School Garden, oral history visits where classes have come to the Centre to meet with older generations to learn about times past, boat building visits, local walking tours and much more.
Inter-generational projects to foster positive relationships between young and old, such as Traditional Street Games events and Needlework demonstrations have also taken place in the school, thanks to some of the lovely ladies from the Monday Morning group.
We've been told that nowadays, children and older folk recognise each other and stop to say hello in the community, instead of walking on by as before. Now, isn't that just lovely?
The Centre has also provided support for school activities such as the breakfast Club, after-schools and swimming lessons.